In addition to physical activities aka “health” every Sunday, there has also been since the end of summer 2018, the activities of the “third half time”, inspired by Samuel Towo, who brought together many people.
Still with a view to better structuring, elections for the KSVL e.V will be
organized on 28.10.2018.
The committee responsible for organizing these elections will be the same as that of the October 2017 edition.
A committee composed of the following members:
- Patrick Donlap
- Elvis Tchaptchet
- Yannick Nke
The novelty during the poll since 22.10.2017 is the presence of the advisers on
the lists.
The advisers are collaborators close to the office
executive and also serve as mediator in conflicts between the members of the executive board or between the members of the association.