On April 10, 2016 after a referendum, the very first democratically elected office of the KSVL will be formed.
The organizing committee of the very first ballot was composed of the members
whose names follow:
- Eric Feudjio
- Cédric Nkontchou
- Yannick Nké
At the end of the poll, the following people constituted the board of management:
- Léopold Kamga (president)
- Stéphane Kamga (vice president)
- Hervé Wandzo (secretary general)
- Placide Tchokouassi (treasurer)
- Henri Kameni (Communication and external relations officer)
- Job Ngako (censor)
- Douglas Fankam (In charge of sports equipment and materials)
- Advisor # 1: Samuel Towo
- Advisor # 2: Brice Zekeng
- Advisor # 3: Bertin Tsafack